About Me

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Graduation Speech

Well, we’ve definitely done it. Our time in Golf Middle School has been full of fun memories and different learning experiences. In fifth grade we were stepping into new territory, a run forward when we had just mastered walking. Sixth grade was a year full of discovery - it was more familiar, but with more opportunities opening up to us, we gained knowledge from new experiences to help us learn and grow. Seventh grade was full of firsts. Taking the Constitution Test we learned to push ourselves in order to succeed. When we went to Camp MacLean we learned to use teamwork and to trust and believe in ourselves to be able to complete different tasks. Our eighth grade year began with the subtle realization that we were now the top dogs, the leaders, and concluded with the development of new goals and ambitions for the  next chapter of our lives.

All throughout middle school, we took chances and experienced changes, chances personally of setting higher goals and standards in life; chances academically, and chances socially of branching out and creating new friendships or stronger bonds; we’ve all experienced struggles with classes, new atmospheres, but most of all we’ve all experienced achievement.

With the next four years to define who we are once more, we will never forget what we have learned; we will never forget the chances we took, and the opportunities that gave us a chance to realize aspirations; the memories we have created together in this school can never be erased, and now as we sit here awaiting what the future holds. So as this chapter ends, we are more than ready to begin the next.

Friday, May 5, 2017

My Fear of Nuns

If you are in my third and fourth period English class then you know I am completely terrified of nuns. I know this sounds really weird, but I have good reasoning.

So about two months ago my sister and I watch The Conjuring 2 for the first time and the character that was doing the harassing and killing was a nun! Now this wasn't just any nun this thing had yellow eyes, gray skin, pointy teeth, and kind of blood red saliva. AND IT'S SO SCARY!!! 

Now, back to the how my class knows about my fear. Some people like to use their technology to scare me and it was not funny! I got so many pictures of the evil nun from the movie and just random nuns on April Fools Day it was insane. 

So, in the end after this movie I have never been able to look at nuns the same again and any time I see one I am reminded of this creepy movie. I know it may be weird, but hey that's me.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Endings and Beginnings

The ending of one thing is just the beginning of another, and although it may be sad and scary endings and beginnings are a part of life.

In a few weeks I graduate from eighth grade and although I'm sad to leave the district I've been in since I was five, I'm excited to start a new chapter of my life. 

I found that when I was younger I sometimes feared going into new things, but as I've gotten older I've noticed myself more excited than scared. I guess at you get older you realize that trying somethings new just  help you grow no matter how scary it might seem.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

It's Complicated...

In a few weeks I graduate from eight grade. I know that's not necessarily a big deal, but I just really can't believe it. 

I don't really know how I feel about graduating. After all I've been around the same people for pretty much my whole life, and I've seen them everyday through the hallways, so going to high school and probably not seeing them as much will be a bit sad.

High school is a new chapter of my life that I am excited to begin, and even though it might be scary I can't wait to embark on this new journey.

Cinnamon Toast Crunch

Everybody who I associate with knows that I love Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I buy myself boxes of it and bring numerous sandwich bags full of it to school, but of course along with that comes the burden of sharing with my "starving classmates"!!

A few months ago I figured I'd try something new of sorts. I bought two pints of vanilla ice cream and a family sized box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. When I got home that day I put about a handful of my cereal and out it into my ice cream and crushed it down. IT WAS DELICIOUS!!!

Image result for cinnamon toast crunch with hearts around it

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Tribute to My Mother

I would like to make a tribute to the beautiful woman I call mom, for being a true inspiration and truly an amazing woman. 

Whenever my mom has free time, she always dedicates it to trying to make my siblings and I happy. She always puts us before herself and I really admire that about her, and I want to try and do the same thing for my children.

Whenever I'm irritated, by my annoying siblings, or having anxiety about a swim meet, my mom always says the right things to calm me down. My mom is such a caring and loving person I know that I can come to her with anything and that no matter what she will do her best to make me feel better.

My mom knows that she's an amazing mother most likely because I make sure she knows by telling her all the time, but she always tries to improve herself by reading books and getting ideas from other moms. When I turned twelve, my mom checked out half a dozen books on how to deal with a teenage daughter, which I found extremely funny. She said that "In order for me to not lose my mind, I have to learn how to deal with you."

Everyday I thank God for my mom, and my goal in life is to be as great a mom as she is.