About Me

Saturday, December 17, 2016

My Name

My name means "son of Kenneth", and I am not a son nor is my father's name Kenneth. It means wake up for school. It means please come play with me. It means I'm mad but I still love you. To me my name means nothing. I wasn't named after a loved family member or an adored heroine from my culture. My name was just a thought and then it became a reality. 
   My name is pronounced wrong by many because of it's spelling. People put to much stress on the second syllable and it then sounds like a cat coughing up a hairball . I don't believe my name fits me but in the end it's still who I am. :)

Sunday, December 4, 2016

If I Was Forced To Work In My School

  I haven't really had much thought on working at a school because I never imagined myself having to work at one, but if I was forced to work in a school I would want to be a kindergarten P.E teacher.
      I would want to specifically be a kindergarten P.E teacher because at older grades the kids that don't really like sports might not be as cooperative and you can really tell that they don't want to be there doing the activity, but with kindergartners they love running around and it's just so much fun playing different sports and games with them and teaching them about sportsmanship and teamwork.   
    With young children if they are exposed to physical activity and exercise at a young age then they are more likely to love exercising when they're older, so I would really like to contribute to the molding of their mind set. :)

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