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Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Weekly Quotation

Hello people of the universe! This week I have two quotes about swimming because swimming pretty much IS my life. I don't mean like it's my life like I love it so much -which I do-, but I mean it's my life because it takes up so much of my time, but nonetheless I still love the sport. There's something about pushing your body to your breaking point and racing against yourself that is just really satisfying (but still exhausting). 
Image result for swimming is the hardest sport
I like this quote because it just vocalizes what all swimmers have to explain. SWIMMING IS HARD

Image result for competitive swimming quotes
This quote is the best EVER! It just speaks my mind all the way. Swimming is a very unique sport that not a lot of people can handle.


  1. I love your memes and your explanations! Another aspect about swimming people don't always understand is that it can be a lonely sport. When you spend hours and hours practicing in the pool with only your thoughts, there is peaceful solitude, but also the internal fight with yourself to continue to pushing.

  2. I love your memes and your explanations! Another aspect about swimming people don't always understand is that it can be a lonely sport. When you spend hours and hours practicing in the pool with only your thoughts, there is peaceful solitude, but also the internal fight with yourself to continue to pushing.

  3. I love swimming too and I agree with your pictures, swimming is not easy.
