About Me

Monday, October 3, 2016

Hilton Head, South Carolina

It was a windy summer day in late July and it was day two of my family vacation to South Carolina, my family was planning on spending the day at the beach and then the unthinkable happened, it started to rain, hard. Everybody on the beach started to run the wind was speeding up and sand started to blow around wildly. My brothers were in awe at how the waves crashed on the shore, my mom tried to pull the stroller we brought through the sand, my dad and sister were trying to go swimming like a couple of loons in the monstrous waves, and my cousin Ashanti, she was focused on making sure her hair didn't get wet. When we made it back to our car we were soaking and covered from the knees below in wet sand. You might think that this would have put a damper on our vacation, but it was one of the best parts, it was both  humorous and exhilarating and one of my best memories with my family I wouldn't want to change a second of it. 

1 comment:

  1. Mackenna -
    You are absolutely right. Sometimes the craziest parts of our trips become our favorites to remember. Also, did I teach your cousin?
