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Sunday, March 12, 2017

Favorite Field Trip

The man wobbled over the edge of the chair, the last one in the stack that had the man’s head nearly meet the ceiling. He placed his hands over the edge and did a flawless handstand, he moved his legs around, and stopped, steady as a mountain. Half the audience was on the edge of their seats, eyes open intently, breathing heavily, the other half only looked through their fingers covering their faces, on the edge of their seats, not breathing, I thought he might fall and break every bone in his body, but, he didn’t, after a few tense minutes, which felt like hours, he stood and threw his hands in the air, the audience went wild, on their feet clapping wildly. Who is this man? What is he doing?

This man was one of the Acrobats at the Chinese Acrobats performance I went to in fifth grade. This field trip was by far my favorite because I got to watch an amazing group of people do an outstanding performance. I would definitely recommend this performance to somebody who has a taste for excitement!

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