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Sunday, March 5, 2017

Movie Review

Everyone loves movies. Whether it's a comedy, a chick flick, or full of action. Everybody has a type they enjoy. For my blog I'll be reviewing a film that goes deep into the struggles of an African American baseball player in the moving movie "42".


In 1946, Jackie Robinson was a Negro League baseball player who never takes racism lying down. Branch Rickey is a Major League team executive with a bold idea. Rickey recruits Robinson to break the unspoken color line as the first modern African American Major League player. As both anticipate, this proves a major challenge for Robinson and his family as they endure unrelenting racist hostility on and off the field, from player and fan alike. As Jackie struggles against his nature to endure such abuse without complaint, he finds allies and hope where he least expects it.

Recommendation & Review:
If you are looking for a movie that with leave you seething one minute, but smiling in the end, this is the perfect movie for you. It will have your emotions riding a roller coaster from start to finish.

9.8/10 overall.

1 comment:

  1. I love your post. It was detailed and now I want to watch it. Remember the movie review you told me during tech? *laughing emoji*
